
Why are women at risk?

There are various reasons why women have a greater risk of ending up in poverty later in life even if they are living a very happy and financial lifestyle in this moment.

It looks so smart, when you become parents that one of you does a step back regarding the career and decides to work part-time. For sure at that time you don’t think about what this means for you when you get older, you don’t think about what will happen to you when you get divorced or widowed.

Unfortunately, a lot of marriages end up in a divorce and the combination of having done a step back and most of the time the women take care of the kids also after a divorce, it is hard to get back on a high level.

Also, a lot of pension plans promise a lot more then you get in the end, and very often when you start to get interested you are already close to our pension age, and that is quite late to change something really in a positive way.

Or you are relying on your husbands pension, but if he dies very often you won’t get his full pension but just half of it.

90% of all women will be solely responsible for their financial well-being within their lifetime.

If you want to find out more read my favourite book review on Rich Women from Kim Kyosaki. She explains it so well and after reading her book I knew I had to do something, because I was completely depending on my husband.
Please think about your future, if you want I am here to help, but you can also take charge in different ways but be sure not to end up in the statistics.

If you want to find out how I can help you click on the link to find out more about the masterclass.

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